
Transform your garden !

When you plant a microforest in your garden you are introducing a miniature ecosystem that will provide a healthy habitat for flora and fauna. Unlike a simple lawn, a microforest changes constantly in the course of the seasons and over the years. As such it enriches your outdoor environment with a vibrant and shifting dynamic that requires just a little work to maintain. We also create biodiversity gardens.

A microforest in your garden

Collective planting
You work with family, friends and neighbours, as well as local associations, to plant the trees. It’s a moment for a big get-together. All those present will learn the practical things we can do to bring nature back into our lives.

A natural garden
Creating a microforest at home transforms your garden, your living environment and your relationship with nature. The Miyawaki forest grows into a self-sustaining ecosystem that attracts local wildlife and improves air quality. This creates a conducive environment for relaxation and contemplation.

A piece of the jigsaw
You can integrate the microforest into your garden or add it to other ecological and landscaping elements there.

Individual support
To ensure the success of your project, we’ll support you every step of the way, from design and tree planting, to technical monitoring and advice on the forest’s upkeep.


Your garden will be transformed :

  • A haven of biodiversity created to your garden : good feeling and connexion with nature
  • Thanks to the filtered air, the retention of water in the soil and the moderated temperature, the environment is healthier and you’ll spend more time outdoors, in contact with nature
  • Less need for maintenance work, thanks to the microforest’s self-sufficiency

Examples of our work in private gardens

We often plant microforests in private gardens. These initiatives have established healthier environments, adding to the residents’ well-being, as well as the harmony and quality of their daily lives. We also create biodiversity gardens.

2 years

Buying a house is a huge step in a couple’s life. The garden plays a crucial part in their living space. Here, the microforest has become well established.

4 years

This owner had always dreamed of having a forest in his garden, so when he found out about the Miyawaki method and how it speeds up growth, he took the plunge.

6 years

At this magnificent property, they opted for an ecological garden that promotes biodiversity. The inspiration came from landscape architect Gilles Clément and the Miyawaki forest is a key feature.

1,5 year

The owners of this garden on the outskirts of Paris wanted to have a piece of forest in the city. So the garden was set up to include a microforest. It entails minimal management, which encourages spontaneity and small animals.

3 years

Originally a pasture for horses, the owners wanted to transform this plot of land into an ecological garden which they could open to the public. The microforest adds an extra splash of green, while restoring an ecosystem that supports rich biodiversity.

2 years

This owner wanted to transform his lawn into a more natural garden. Now, the many birds that come and sing here heighten the pleasure he gets from it.

1 year

A microforest planted in September 2022, in the enclosed, private garden of a homeowner in Woluwé-Saint-Pierre. The forest is building up a structure of vegetation that adds volume to the garden.

What other benefits might a microforest bring ?

Microforests are miniature ecosystems that combine environmental conservation with social benefits. They can perform a number of other functions :

A fantastic experience: professional support to transform a meadow into an oasis of greenery and biodiversity. Very good follow-up after planting. Highly recommended !

A Miyawaki forest, a collective orchard and a perimeter hedge, all nicely done, including the digging of swales on the sloping site. Our own commitment to ecology and biodiversity matched the values of Urban Forests.

It was a real pleasure to work with Urban Forests back when they’d only just started. I’m delighted to see how far they’ve come. It’s no less than they deserve as a company that’s dedicated to helping the living world. Nicolas and his team are committed people who do extraordinary work for the good of us all!